Top 3 Ways to Earn Money online as Student Without Investment

There are many ways to Earn money online without any Investment online for today’s students. So that students can become financially stable. With their passion, skills and stable internet connect, students can earn money online even from doorstep. Because of our human civilization today people are turning towards online. It has become very easy for students to earn money online without any Investment.

By following these methods you can Earn Money online without investment. You can do it sitting at home with the following methods.

  1. Translator
  2. Youtuber
  3. Survey


To Earn money online as a translator, follow the steps given below.

A. Improve your language skills: Make your language skills strong, for translation it is very important to know as many languages ​​as possible.

B. Join online platforms: Create your account on online platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, where you can provide your translation service.

C. Explore Freelance work: Join groups on social media apps like Linkedin, Facebook. And finding freelance work through social media apps. Actively searching for translation jobs.

D. Do networking: You can explore opportunities by connecting with other translators and potential clients through Facebook Groups.

E. Creating a Portfolio: Creating a portfolio of your work so that you can show your previous work to your potential clients. This increases your client’s conversion rate.

F. Take Languages ​​Courses or Certification: If possible you can take a certificate of your course. This has increased your credibility.

2. Become  a youtuber:

To Become a youtuber you must have to follow these methods properly.

A. Choose the niche first: First of all you choose or decide which niche you want to take. Like Vlogger, Travelling, Cooking, Tech and more… this is how a niche audience is built on your channel.

B. Setup the Channel: If you have an email id, create an account or if you don’t have an email, create it and setup the channel. Channel setup is very easy.

C. Plan the content: Create content based on what type of videos you are going to upload on YouTube. Build your audience by planning such a content.

D. Make High Quality Videos: To make high quality videos, you should use a good camera, a tripod (Camera stand). And some equipments can be used like bass lights, audio mic to get clear voice.

E. Video Editing see: Video Editing is a little hard. Because with good editing the log is engaged and your video is fully seen. Basic editing is done using software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or you can also use free tools like Canva.

F. Optimize Videos: Optimize videos through SEO (Search Engine Optimization). And write good title, write description, write good tags according to your video. Design a good thumbnail because through thumbnail the videos are viewed and the user gets engaged.

After completing 1000 subscribers and 4000 conversations on your channel, you can apply for monetization of your channel.

3. Survey:

From survey you can withdraw your pocket money and calculate your daily expenses. To Earn Money online from surveys you should follow the steps given below

A. Go to Ysense and register. Login using your email id and password and you can earn up to 50 to 1000$ monthly from this platform.

B. By logging in and clicking on the survey menu, you can earn by filling the survey.

C. This platform is 100% legit. And withdrawal is also given.

D. You can generate a good income by joining the refer and earn program on this platform.

E. You also get tasks on this platform, by completing these tasks you can generate a good income.

Tips: To Earn money online with out investment as student you have to work hard and work consistently till get result. Earn money online with out investment is my favorite source to Earn money online.


In this blog we have tried to understand Translators, YouTubers, and Online Surveys in a better way. This will make it easier for the student and provide some financial help. We try to understand our users in more interesting ways.


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